This is where all things coding are held.
"LogicFlame, a place where you can learn about coding, and share your knowledge with others."
I have loved coding ever since I was 10. I started developing basic Python scripts and then moved to more complex coding languages. I really started to get the inspiration of becoming a developer when I was coding Discord Bots for clients in the year of 2018 and that allowed me to work on different languages such as web and plugin development. My latest project what I am working on is LogicClient which is a Minecraft client. I am also working on a minecraft plugin named LogicFlame.
My greatest achievement is when i became a developer for the discord bot LockBot which serves 21.9 thousand servers and over 6.1 million users. I also work on other projects such as ScratchBot (Scratch Radio Discord Bot)
I am grateful for the knowledge and skills I have, and thankful for the people who have helped me along the way. I am excited to see what the future holds and I am looking forward to the challenges that lie ahead.